


Share a cor translation tool on win, which can meet all your needs.

Hello everyone, today I recommend a powerful and easy-to-use OCR translation software for Windows, LunaTranslator!

Although the interface may look simple, its functionality is no less inferior to Bob on Mac.

Let's follow the settings and learn more about it.

Text Input#

Clipboard OCR and TXT are the most common ways to import text.

Clipboard allows you to copy text content, OCR is for screenshot recognition, and TXT is for directly importing text in TXT format. Here we choose the most convenient OCR.

Then you can configure it below according to your selection. For example, you can choose the default local OCR service, or import your own OCR key from other platforms for better recognition results. You can leave the rest of the options as default if you don't understand them.

Translation Configuration#

The translation settings are awesome, as you can customize the number of translated words and the request interval. It also supports multiple types of translation engines.

For those without an account, you can choose these free online translation engines. For those with an account, you can import API keys on your own. There are also offline translation and pre-translation options. Feel free to explore what interests you.

Let's take a simple example. We check the QQ translation under online translation, which means it is enabled. The paintbrush icon behind it represents the color of the translated text, making it easier for you to distinguish which translation engine the result is from. For online translation registration, we choose ChatGPT and the default color is blue. Then we set our own API key in the gear icon, and leave the rest as default.

This way, we can see the translation results in two different colors for the text recognized by OCR. The ignorance here is due to a network issue, so we temporarily can't see the result from ChatGPT.

Many Features#

In addition, the selection box we just used for recognition can always be present, so we can translate in real time while reading. If needed, we can also have the translated content read aloud.

It also supports manual and automatic translation, as well as viewing translation history. Various functions can be customized.

In short, Ignorance really likes this kind of tool. Especially when dealing with friends who like to send pictures, you only need to take a screenshot to extract the text content. Very convenient.


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